How To Make Philosophy In Little Alchemy 2 Step By Step Guide
- 13 Aug, 2022

Combining objects in Little Alchemy 2 is the key to unlocking discoveries in this exciting mobile and online browser game. Building off the four classical elements—earth, fire, water, and air—you populate your encyclopaedia with many unique things. Philosophy is only one of the numerous multi-step discoveries of the other 700 that await you. Please read on to discover the Little Alchemy 2 recipe for Philosophy.
Formula 1
Here, a light bulb and a human are combined to form an idea, and the two are then combined to form a philosophy.
Step 1
Detailed instructions for creating a Human little Alchemy 2 are provided below.
- Air + Air = Pressure
- Earth + Pressure = Stone
- Water + Earth = Mud
- Mud + Stone = Clay
- Water + Water = Puddle
- Water + Puddle = Pond
- Water + Pond = Lake
- Water + Lake = Sea
- Fire + Earth = Lava
- Lava + Sea = Primordial Soup
- Earth + Lava = Volcano
- Volcano + Primordial Soup = Life
- Life + Clay = Human
Step 2
This section will walk you through creating a Light bulb in Little Alchemy 2.
- Stone + Air = Sand
- Sand + Fire = Glass
- Earth + Earth = Land
- Land + Land = Continent
- Continent + Continent = Planet
- Planet + Fire = Sun
- Fire + Fire = Energy
- Sun + Energy = Solar cell
- Solar cell + Sun = Electricity
- Glass + Electricity = Light bulb
Formula 2
How to build Human and Lightning is what we’ll be covering here. We’ve broken down the preparation of this dish into three easy stages. Then, in Little Alchemy 2, we will discuss the steps necessary to create a Philosopher once we have completed a Human and a Bolt of Lightning.
Step 1
We will modify the human aspect from Step 1 of Recipe 1.
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Lava + Air = Stone
- Stone + Air = Sand
- Earth + Water = Mud
- Sand + Mud = Clay
- Fire + Fire = Energy
- Water + Water = Puddle
- Puddle + Puddle = Pond
- Pond + Pond = Lake
- Earth + Earth = Land
- Earth + Land = Continent
- Continent + Continent = Planet
- Planet + Air = Atmosphere
- Air + Water = Mist
- Mist + Atmosphere = Cloud
- Cloud + Energy = Lightning
- Fire + Stone = Metal
Step 2
In this section, you will learn an alternate method for creating Lightning.
- Earth + Earth = Land
- Earth + Land = Continent
- Continent + Continent = Planet
- Planet + Air = Atmosphere
- Water + Atmosphere = Cloud
- Cloud + Energy = Lightning
Use Philosophy to Create Something New
- Philosophy + Gold = Alchemist
- Philosophy + Planet = Big
- Philosophy + Sun = Big
- Philosophy + Solar System = Big
- Philosophy + Galaxy Cluster = Big
- Philosophy + Universe = Big
- Philosophy + Ant = Small
Obtaining Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2 is the focus of this article. Thanks to our recipe explanations, we have gone to great lengths to ensure you have all the information you need to get this ingredient. In addition, after you have mastered the Philosophy formula, you may experiment with additional parts and try out new ones.